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Beginner's Guide to Affirmations

I’m just going to start off by saying that I feel super qualified to

share information about this topic only because I AM a beginner at affirmations! I have just recently started using them and don’t know much about them besides what they’ve done in my life over the last couple weeks. So, if you’re a beginner, too, Hello! Let’s talk affirmations! What are Affirmations?

Google says… af·firm·a·tion


noun: affirmation; plural noun: affirmations

  1. the action or process of affirming something or being affirmed.

Example - "he nodded in affirmation"

synonyms: declaration, statement, assertion, proclamation, pronouncement, attestation; More

antonyms: denial


a formal declaration by a person who declines to take an oath for reasons of conscience.

  1. emotional support or encouragement.

Example - "the lack of one or both parents' affirmation leaves some children emotionally crippled"

Why should I be using affirmations?

There are many books out there that explain the brain and how all the things work up in there, but I’m just going to sum it up in one short little paragraph. What you tell yourself everyday becomes the reality that you’re living. So, if you’re constantly telling yourself, “I am broke” or “I am sick” that’s exactly what you’ll be. Instead we change what follows the “I am…” to “I am wealthy” or “I am healthy” I don’t know about you, but I would choose wealth and health any day! There’s no guarantee that these will work, but I would rather fill my head with positive thoughts with a chance of seeing positive gains as opposed to filling my head with negative thoughts and risk living the mediocre life! When should I use affirmations?

ALL. THE. TIME. If you’re playing a game with a friend and you’re losing do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT say I am a loser. You WILL continue to lose. Trust me. I lost 6 games of chess to my husband one night because of this. The next night I lost and said, “I am a winner!” and I won the next 2 games! We can’t let those negative thoughts hang out. We need to affirm them out of our minds! When a family member comments on your stuff and makes you feel gross about the fun things you’re doing in your life DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT say I am wasting my time. Your brain will take that route and all the things you’ve ever done will seem like a waste of time. Everything out of your comfort zone is worth the risk. Instead fill your mind with thoughts like, “I am a risk taker” or “I am unique” Side Note: Opinions of others won’t pay your bills. Ignore them. How many affirmations should I use?

As many as you need to clear your mind of the negative thoughts! I had a rough night a while back and started writing down all the things I was feeling and they are definitely NOT worth repeating because they were TERRIBLE. I had to stop myself and start writing positive affirmations. At first, I thought to myself, “This is stupid,” But the more positive affirmations I wrote… The better I felt. So, write as many as you NEED to feel what you want to feel!

Do affirmations really work?

I’m just gonna go out on a limb here and say, Yes. I’m not sure what kind of affirmations I was using in the past, but I do know that “I am a morning person” was one of my affirmations. I am a full time work at home mom with 4 boys AND I run a daycare during the day. I am writing this right now and as I look at the clock it says 5:14am. That is unusual for me. 8am used to be early. I have been getting up at 4:30am each weekday morning for 3 weeks now and I’ve seen amazing things happen because I’m actually able to get MY stuff done before the craziness begins. So, yes, I do believe they work. What affirmations should I use? Any affirmations that you want to see come true! I will give you my list of 100 affirmations, but just to get you started you can use the following: I am strong. I am wealthy. I am wise. I am beautiful. I am successful.

I am talented.

I am doing great things. I am living my best life.

I am positive.

This list could go on and on forever because the more you say them, the more affirmations you will think about. Do I write them down or just say them?

Both. I completely recommend doing both things! Writing them down gets them on paper so that you can remember them and repeat them often! It’s important because repetition is the key to getting what you want out of them! Just like I said before I wanted to be a morning person because my days are busy busy! I repeated that affirmation often and it took a little while to come true. I still repeat that affirmation so that I can continue to be a morning person! Let’s sum it all up. 1. An affirmation is the action or process of affirming something or being affirmed 2. I should be using affirmations because whatever I tell my brain will become my life.

3. I should be using affirmations ALL. THE. TIME. Especially when I feel a negative thought.

4. I can use as many affirmations I need to see the results that I want to see!

5. Affirmations absolutely do work.

6. I am living my best life.

I hope that you gathered some great information! If you did, please share with a friend! Don’t forget to subscribe to grab your list of 100 affirmations HERE!

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