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How To: Have the best girl's night in!

Many women work very hard day in and day out, but never get a break! I am encouraging you to take a night off every now and then just to spend a little time with the girls! It is crucial to your health and your sanity! If you are a mother, you're constantly taking care of others and putting their needs before your own! I know first hand that you can lose yourself completely if you don't take time for yourself! Here are my tried and true ways on how to have the best girl's night in!

Tip number one: get all the essentials! I'm giving you permission right now to go to the store and gather all the snacks that you wouldn't eat on a day to day basis! You know the ones I'm talking about! They mostly show up at family holidays because they're so sacred! Get all the snacks! Then when you're done gathering all the snacks make sure to head on over to the drink section. Gather a few different types of drinks! Get the Moscato for that one friend that will not come over unless wine is involved. Get the sparkling white grape juice for the pregnant friend that can't drink and then grab the water for that super fit friend with the body goals!! Tip number two: stuff all the stuff in the kids' room or the office and shut the door!

Nobody wants to spend hours cleaning for a party that's only going to last and hour to two hours TOPS! So, ON THE DAY OF THE PARTY (this part is crucial) take 10 - 15 minutes to throw everything from that one chair or table (you know the one that somehow accumulates EVERYTHING in a matter of seconds...) and throw it in a basket and just toss that basket into the kids' room or the office and just shut the door! Brush your hands off, give yourself a pat on the back, and pour yourself a glass of that Moscato! You earned it!

Tip number three: Tag your guests in a picture of all the drinks and snacks!

Caption it with, "You ready to party?! See you soon!" They'll see that you're ready and in turn they'll probably show up early JUST for the snacks and drinks! You'll get all your talking done BEFORE the consultant arrives and you'll be laser focused on all the free goodies you're about to earn!

Have a party tip for me to add? Comment below! Have a friend that's hosting a girl's night in? Share these tips with her so she can have the best night EVER!

Know some awesome party tips? Comment below! Know a friend that's having a girl's night in soon? Share this with her to help her have the best night ever!

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